ISO 45001 helps you mitigate risk and improve business performance through a safer working environment and a healthier workforce. Whilst external factors that are often out of our control may impact our world of work, one thing remains constant; you want your employees to be safe. ISO 45001 certification can help you achieve this by reducing workplace-related risks and providing a solid framework for the health, safety, and well-being of your employees.
An ISO 45001 based OH&S management system will enable an organisation to improve its OH&S performance by:
ISO 45001 follows the high-level structure approach that is being applied to other ISO management system standards, such as ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment). In developing the standard, consideration has been given to the content of other international standards (such as OHSAS 18001 or the International Labour Organisation’s “ILO –OSH Guidelines”) and national standards, as well as to the ILO’s International Labour standards and conventions (ILSs).
Those adopting the standard, will find its requirements consistent with the other standards. This will allow for a relatively easy migration from using an existing OH&S management system standard to using ISO 45001, and will also allow for the alignment and integration with the requirements of other ISO management system standards into their organisation’s overall management processes.
If your organisation is part of the construction supply chain in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland, we can also integrate the SSIP requirements into your ISO 45001:2018 audit and certification. Just let us know when asking for a quotation.
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