ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS) and is designed to help manage your environmental impacts and ensure your legal compliance.
As our impact on the environment becomes more and more apparent, organisations need to comply with increasing government and public pressure to be greener and reduce their environmental impact, from the use of fossil fuels to the reduction of waste. In fact, many studies have shown that to participate in some supply chains it is becoming a pre-requisite.
It also makes good business sense.
“When we prevent physical waste, increase energy efficiency or improve resource productivity, we save money, improve profitability and enhance competitiveness. In fact, there are often huge “quick win” opportunities, thanks to years of neglect. Environmental waste is the best proxy for identifying and eliminating economic waste.” Article: “Environmentally-friendly business is profitable business” Guardian, 14 Oct 2013
As with ISO 9001, the current 2015 version is written in a common framework, making it possible to integrate it with other management system, such as ISO 9001 or ISO 45001, health and safety.
With ISO 14001 certification you are demonstrating that you are an environmentally responsible business and one others would be pleased to deal with.
Training courses
If you’d like to know more about ISO 14001, why not book onto one of our foundation courses to build you knowledge and help your organisation improve its credentials.
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